How to Copy a Directory in Linux
How to Copy a Directory in Linux

How to Copy a Directory in Linux – Use the cp Command to Copy a Folder

There are many situations where you might need to copy a folder in Linux, whether for backup, sharing, or making edits. This is a common task that can be easily handled using the cp command.

The cp command is a straightforward yet versatile tool for copying files and directories in Linux. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use the cp command to copy a directory.

To copy a directory in Linux using the cp command, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Terminal

To copy a folder in Linux, start by opening the terminal. You can do this by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T, or by searching for ‘Terminal’ in the application menu.

Step 2: Navigate to the Source Directory

Before copying a folder, you first need to navigate to the source directory. Use the cd command to change your current working directory.

For instance, if the folder you want to copy is in the home directory, you can run the following command:

cd /home/user/source_folder

Step 3: Copy the Folder

After navigating to the source directory, you can use the cp command to copy the folder. The basic syntax for the cp command is:

cp [options] source destination

To copy a folder, include the -r (recursive) option to ensure the entire directory and its contents are copied. You also need to provide the source and destination paths.

For example, to copy a folder named source_folder to a directory called destination_folder, use the following command:

cp -r source_folder /path/to/destination_folder/

Remember to replace /path/to/destination_folder/ with the actual path of the destination directory.

Step 4: Verify the Copied Folder

Once the folder has been copied, you can check the contents of the destination directory to verify the copy. Use the ls command to list the files and folders in the destination directory.

For example, run the following command to view the contents of destination_folder:

ls /path/to/destination_folder/

This command will show a list of files and directories inside the destination folder.

Benefits of the Linux cp Command

Why use the terminal and the cp command to copy a folder? Here are some key advantages:

  • Flexibility: The terminal offers more control and customization than a graphical user interface. You can use various command-line options to fine-tune the copy process and handle any errors that may arise.
  • Speed: Copying large folders with many files is often faster in the terminal. It uses fewer system resources, allowing it to complete tasks more quickly than a graphical interface.
  • Efficiency: The terminal lets you perform multiple tasks simultaneously, running several commands at once. This saves time and streamlines the copying process.
  • Automation: You can automate folder copying with scripts, making it easy to handle repetitive tasks. A script can be executed with a single command, saving time and effort.
  • Reliability: The terminal provides feedback during the copy process, alerting you to errors or warnings. This helps you quickly address issues and ensures that the copying is successful.


Copying a folder in Linux is straightforward with the cp command. By following the steps in this guide, you can easily copy a folder using cp.

Be sure to include the -r option to copy the entire directory tree, and confirm the copy by listing the contents of the destination directory.


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